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P.R.T  原型设计工作室

Practice  Regionality  Technology  Prototype Studio


P. R.T Prototype Architectural Design Studio, established in 2023, is a team that covers architectural design, interior design, furniture design, and architectural derivative design. Technology Regionali- ty Practice is the entry point for the team, and using new technolo- gies to design and build architectural practices with Chinese re- gional characteristics is the team's goal. Taking architectural design as the prototype, the team is committed to exploring the in- tegration of architectural design with other design directions and expanding the possibilities of architectural design.

Studio members

P.R.T 原型设计工作室 团队成员

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+86 13430008299


中国 深圳市南山区西丽大学城清华园区

Tsinghua Park, Xili University City, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China



© 2023 by 温健 WENJIAN

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